Beauty Sleep

I’ve been having sleep related issues in the past. Earlier I could stay up the whole night and then be okay too. Sleep a few hours and be fine as well. Later I realised I wasn’t feeling fine. Just outwardly felt it was okay. These past few days even though I’ve been sleeping later atContinue reading “Beauty Sleep”

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Being prompt is a lost cause…

I was brought up with this particular trait & I will always be this way! My dad was a stickler for being meticulous at a lot of stuff, one of them being on time and being totally prompt about informing and being in touch at all times. Something I inherited from him but at aContinue reading “Being prompt is a lost cause…”

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To attach or not to attach!

Why are humans scared to get attached? Or should the question be… why do we get attached so soon? Why is the feeling of being loved or to love so important to us? Yes! We are social animals as told to us in the subject of Sociology. Now, the problem remains when we get tooContinue reading “To attach or not to attach!”

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She who lives!

When I was a kid I never understood or liked my name…that is Ayesha. I thought it to be too commonly used and I think basically I was just a grumpy kid. Until, I got to know the story behind my name. My dad read this novel, ‘She’ by H.G.Haggard in college and told himselfContinue reading “She who lives!”

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Happiness is THE only constant goal!

What is happiness to you? As is everything in life, everything has its definition. Happiness can be just spending time in nature, walking with your closest friends, sitting by the lake, having your favourite breakfast and a great cup of coffee. Happiness can be having hot chocolate with your friend after an afternoon of pampering.Continue reading “Happiness is THE only constant goal!”

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Happy Days…

How do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years? Have you ever been asked this question or have you asked it of yourself ever? At sometime in life everyone ponders about the future. I have realised we seldom concentrate on the present day. How something small said or done to you or by youContinue reading “Happy Days…”

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Craving the feeing of Romance and the freedom to hug?!

Even though I have never really had a solid relationship ever in the near about 40 years of my life. I crave this urge to always search for THE person I can give that certain attention to. Never ever realising that I want attention too. Always trying to make excuses for the other person. ThinkingContinue reading “Craving the feeing of Romance and the freedom to hug?!”

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You and I!

Your words echo in my mind In my heart and my soul The things you used to warn me about The things you said I couldn’t handle I stumble and fall, I fall and I get up, I remember you at every step, You’ll remember me when I’m gone, You had said, I used toContinue reading “You and I!”

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Crush me, crush me not…

Have you ever felt a certain feeling towards a person and when you see or hear of them you get butterflies in your stomach? And sometimes it not ONLY one person you feel it for! It's a crush not love, stop the judgements please! I am sure all of you at some point in timeContinue reading “Crush me, crush me not…”

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Can you think for yourself?!

Has it ever occurred to you that we live in a world where  people have a certain set rules for life? Where people have more time to think of what others are doing with their lives, who they are hanging out with and so on & so forth? Gossiping is something every individual does, evenContinue reading “Can you think for yourself?!”

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