Stalkerish Much?



Do you feel you have stalkerish tendencies? I mean with  social media and the world-wide web’s information at the tip of our fingers we can pretty much get any information about anyone we want to know or we already know. Have you ever felt that you like or you’re infatuated and want to know everything there to know about that person?

Do you go borderline psycho and want to know every move they make?!

Every breath you take…every move you make…I’ll be watching you!

Funny thing, This is a song of a stalker and many people, even I, always related to it as a love song. Such is the irony of life!

As a friend recently pointed out that there is a fine line between a lot of things.

For example:

  • Having a crush and obsession
  • Liking and Loving
  • Loving and Hating
  • Enjoyment and Addiction

What happens when we try to make someone the focus of our day and our life?

We tend to lose the whole objective of living life. Being Happy and content!

YeS! I agree this does bring us happiness but moreover self-induced sorrow.

Guess this is Part and parcel of life…The ups and downs / highs and lows…So on and so forth!

When life throws yorkers and bouncers at us, we need to duck them!( Heard this in a movie I saw recently.) Cricket philosophy at it’s best! 

 Most of the time people reciprocate the other person’s feelings but get put off with the intensity that’s thrown their way. Balance is the key in any situation as I have mentioned in my earlier posts. Balance is something we can’t handle when emotions get the better of us. BUT life is such that sometimes we need to handle the silence after the storm. The normal life after the exciting roller coaster ride we get got off from and can’t stop reminiscing about!

We have to TRY and sit back and enjoy the journey until we reach the destination.


Emotions are very tricky…That’s why they say you must not say anything when you’re high strung on extreme emotions.

Say only what you truly mean. BUT most times timing matters.

IF your timing of what you have said is wrong then you may not get the desired effect.

Time and Place for everything!

I hate playing games in life…I know it’s all exciting and all. I don’t mean video games… I mean MIND GAMES.

Playing hard to get is good but being yourself is the best version of playing life’s emotional game.

Please don’t become a different version of you and suddenly turn Halloweenish.

Sometimes I feel this is our own psychological way of getting rid of people or situations we’re scared to handle. The mind and heart have their own battle and suddenly decision is made to go on a self suicidal mission.

There should be a button where you can hit every time you want to self sabotage your own life!

Your friend or friends need to know of this button…They can hit you on your head or your ass and make you abort this dumb trip you have been ON! This button should also be used when we tend to over think, obsess, over analyse, assume or presume situations.

 There should also be an internal timer that can help you slap your own face and bring you  slow down and not take your brain and heart into overdrive. Get off that roller coaster and try to walk instead.

When we are born, we learn to crawl, stumble and walk, then walk and then learn to run. So need to apply that to emotional lives as well. Take every step and live life each day as it comes.

Anyhow, As I always say, Only YOU have the power to make the CHANGE you want in your life!

So laugh it off, try to curb your stalker tendencies, divert your mind and enjoy life as it’s meant to be lived. Be happy!








Published by Aywrites

A freelance creative writer. I’ve freelanced as a content writer and social media marketer as well for a website solutions company. My interests revolve around human behaviour,psychology and philosophy.

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